Before discounts and coupons, the grand total was $60.59! Can you guess how much the Smith's cashier actually handed me back in CASH???!!! (Nope, I didn't request cash back on my ATM card--I just got cash back from the total purchase price!). Take your best guess, and the person closest by tomorrow night will win TWO FULL COUPON INSERTS from yesterday's newspaper! That's two Smart Source and two Proctor & Gamble inserts to the winner! Just leave a comment with your guess!
3 Capri Sun
2 Green Giant Steamers
5 Philadelphia Cream Cheese
1 Wonder Smart White Bread
2 Fruit Loops
4 Easy Mac
2 Diet Coke
2 Kellogg's Fruit Snacks
2 5-lb. bag Flour
2 Oreo
1 Chips-Ahoy!
1 Cheese-n-Cracker Sticks