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Best Grocery Deals This Week

This list contains pricing for some of the best grocery deals this week in the Salt Lake Valley. Many of these items are things you may purchase each week. Often, items like produce, meat and dairy goods do not have coupons, so I've listed some of the best deals to help cut your grocery bill even without coupons. You can use this list in one of two ways--either go to each store individually for the discounts or print the list to use for price-matching at Walmart or Target (Super Target has a larger selection of grocery items).

Keep in mind that it is always smart to bring your ads with you, just in case. Also, I try to keep my price-matching purchases together either at the front or back of my order. That makes it easier to go over pricing with the cashier and also speeds up the process to not hold up other customers waiting to be served.

Also, don't forget that stores have different ad dates. Though I try to get this list posted each Tuesday evening, not all of the ads start on Wednesday. Here is a list of ad dates for major grocery retailers in the area:

Harmon's Monday-Sunday
Ream's Tuesday-Monday
Smith's Wednesday-Tuesday
Fresh Market Wednesday-Tuesday
Associated Foods Tuesday-Monday

***If you have any additions for the list, please email me, and I'll add them!